My Story

Hi I'm Sienna :-)

I'm 15 years old and I've always loved animals - right back from when I can remember...

We have two 6 year old tortoise shell cats named Sophia and Lauren who we rescued as kittens from the RSPCA as well as a 10 month old Australian cattle dog named Bindi who's the real life mascot of this site.

Recently I discovered first hand that there was a real issue with anxiety and pets.  So when the opportunity came along to help, I grabbed it!

Thanks to the Youth In Business program I'm helping pet parents solve the very real problem of pet anxiety.  So make sure you sign up to my "Keep Calm & Stay Pawsitive" show because I'll be speaking with leading experts such as Dr Alex from Bondi Vet about anxiety and what to do about it...

I hope you find our suggestions and solutions of value and feel free to reach out to me at if you want to connect.

Keep calm and stay pawsitive!

Discover what your dog is really trying to tell you...

Have you ever wondered what is going on with your dog when he does certain things?

Well wonder no more!  

We've put together an all in one, simple guide to help fur parents understand what their dog is trying to say.

Grab your copy by clicking on the button below - and don't worry, it's a gift from us to you so it's free!

They Say...

Peter Smith

Dog Dad

" Best information I've found regarding dog anxiety..."

Mary Jones

Pet Mum

" It's really hard to know who to trust when it comes to pets.

Your website is full of great tips that I use with my fur babies..."

We'd love to hear from you... 

Feel free to send us a message :-)
